What to Look for in the Beverage Aisles
Posted Jul 08, 2020
in Food + Nutrition
Staying hydrated is crucial in the summer, especially in Texas. We love indulging in all types of beverages, water, milk, alcohol, coffee, juice, soda, etc but 80% of the time being conscious of what things go into them. When strolling down the aisle trying to decide what to pick up here’s our top 3 items of how to be a well-informed consumer.
- Carbohydrates and Added Sugars: Carbohydrates (aka sugar) are the number one source of fuel for the body. Ideally we wouldn’t be consuming an excess from beverages but rather whole foods. When looking at the labels try finding options that read less than 15g of carbohydrates per serving.
- Ingredients: A nod to the point above, naturally occurring sugars (ex: lactose, oranges, etc) and added sugars (fructose, sucrose, etc) are a little different. When choosing a beverage try opting 80% of the time for ones with no added sugars. Things like water, low-fat milk, 100% juice, etc. Read that label!
- Enjoy your beverage: being aware of the nutrition facts label and ingredient list are a great place to start. If you are indulging in a fun food, be mindful of selecting a smaller cup, pour it over ice, and how that food makes you feel in the situation.
Our favorite items lately:
- Oak Cliff Coffee: with a light body it makes for a perfect black cup of coffee where you can pick up the subtle sweet, savory, and herbaceous notes. Bet you didn’t know coffee had all these fun flavors!
- Bela Green Tea: Over ice, or straight from the bottle this green tea is clean and refreshing. Everything from their mission, to the local activities they are involved in, to their mindful ingredients, they deliver a well rounded concept.
- Aha Sparkling water: 2 powerfully driven flavors mixed together for a crisp beverage sure to satisfy the carbonation craving. This drink is perfect for summer as is, mocktails or cocktails.