We’re Calling an Audible on Tailgating Snacks
The start of school and the decreasing temperatures brings one of our favorite times of the year, football season! We love spending our Saturdays tailgating and watching our favorite teams take on their opponents! People tend to think that football season is a time to “splurge” in the food department, because let’s be honest, it can be hard to make tailgating a healthy affair. We’re here to tell you that, in fact, you can still attend a tailgate and cheer on your team without sacrificing your health goals. To make it easy, our dietitian team put together five groups of our favorite tailgating meals. We like to call it a “party in a picture”!

Party # 1
1) Boom Chicka Pop Lightly Sweet
2) Garden of Eatin No Salt Added Blue Corn Chips
3) Honeysuckle Ground Turkey 99% Lean
4) La Croix Sparkling Water
5) Fresh Cut Mango Salsa
6) Alexia Sweet Potato Fries
Party # 2
1) Alexia Oven Fries
2) Skinny Pop
3) Way Better Chips, Multigrain
4) Sparkling Water
5) Stubbs BBQ Sauce
6) Pederson Chicken Sausage
7) O Organics Guacamole

Party #3
1) Beanitos Hint of Lime
2) Honest Tea
3) Peas Please
4) Steamed Shrimp
5) Fruit Tray
6) Kylito’s Original Salsa
Party #4
1) Brownie Bites or Mini Cupcakes
2) Planters Pistachio Blend
3) Mateos Salsa
4) Water
5) Dasani Water Flavor
6) Jackson Honest Purple Heirloom Chips
7) Chicken Fajita Meat

Party #5
1) Pretzel Thins
2) Kettle Brand Baked Sea Salt Chips
3) Dasani Sparkling Water
4) Orrowheat Sandwich Thins 100% Whole Wheat
5) Veggie Tray
6) Classic Lite Chicken Salad
Ready, Set, Shop!
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