Top 10 Meal Prep Hacks
We hear it time and time again, we don’t have enough time to [fill in the blank]. So, how does one create time? Well we can’t create more, but there are a few things we can do instead.
Determine what is a priority
Determine what you can delegate
Avoid interruptions
Not checking voicemails/texts/emails, mindlessly scrolling through social media or watching TV, etc…
Learn to say no.
For purposes of this blog let’s use meal prepping as the example of a priority, as our schedules start shifting for fall. It’s a great idea and can save us so much time and money throughout the week but when it comes down to actually doing it we might overwhelm ourselves with cooking multiple things from scratch. When chatting with guests on our grocery store tours, I love pointing out “hacks” (aka products) to make meal prep quicker. Here are our top ten “hacks” to ‘delegate’ to the grocery store:
Rotisserie Chicken
We’ve heard this time and time again, but did you know you can find it already pulled for you in our deli section?
Fresh-cut Fruit and veggies
Our fresh-cut section is the biggest time saver not only because you don’t have to cut them, but you don’t have to clean the cutting board and knife that you would have used.
Freezer veggies and fruits
There are so many things you can do with these but the main point is that since they are already frozen leave these to use towards the end of the week so you can re-use any leftovers first and you can add where you need to help decrease food waste.
Freezer Garlic, Ginger, Basil, Cilantro
Look for these little cubes the next time you are in-store to help add a burst of flavor to your dish without having to put in the work of chopping/zesting/grating
Stock up on citrus.
Lemons, limes, oranges can be used for so many things! A quick vinaigrette with some added oil, a flavor punch to your marinades, flavored waters, a snack, a garnish, you name it!
Did you know our seafood department will steam and season for free?
Did you know you can buy hard-boiled eggs already done and peeled?
Did you know cottage cheese also comes in individual servings?
Think in terms of 1-sheet pan wonders.
Grab seasoned/marinated chicken thighs from our meat case, and both a starchy and non-starchy vegetable that can be roasted:
a bundle of asparagus and little potatoes
brussels sprouts and butternut squash
Prep half way.
You don’t have to make everything all at once. For example ,cooking veggies fresh daily (even if it is in a microwavable/steamable bag), so cook the most time consuming piece of the meal, the protein, ahead of time. Then when the time comes to use it all you have to do is bring it up to temperature
Do double duty.
If you’re making a turkey tomato sauce, use it one night for spaghetti and the next night for stuffed Mexican peppers!
Forget to prep for a meal?
Enjoy something from our hot bar on the living-well menu, off the salad bar or a soup
Ready, Set, Prep!
Get everything you need to prep smart online or in-store.