Sunbutter Cheerio Bars
Want to create a fun, easy, and nutritious snack that’s friendly for all ages and safe to snack on anywhere? These gluten free and nut free bars have the quick energy of carbohydrates lasting energy of fats and proteins sure to keep you fueled up through your work day or play day.
What You Need
⅓ C.Sunbutter
1 ½ C. Cheerios
¼ C. Honey
How It’s Made:
- In a small sauce pot, combine the honey and sunbutter and heat through
- Add in cheerios and mix thoroughly
- In a loaf pan lay down a piece of parchment paper
- Fill pan with mixture and cool for 15 minutes
- Put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to harden
- Cut into 6 pieces and enjoy
Serves 6
Nutritional Facts:

Calories 245
Total Fat 15g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 147mg
Carbohydrates 23g
Fiber 4g
Sugar 14g
Protein 7g
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