
Parmesan Air Fryer Asparagus

Cooking veggies has never been easier! No standing over a hot stove, sautéing until perfection, or getting mushy asparagus. This 7 minute side dish is an excellent option for for next gathering or night in.

What You Need

1 Bunch Asparagus

½ tsp. Garlic Powder

Spray Oil

1 Tbsp. Parmesan Cheese

 How It’s Made:

  1. Set airfryer to 400 degrees
  2. Cut off the ends off of the asparagus
  3. Quickly spray oil over asparagus
  4. Sprinkle garlic powder and Parmesan cheese over asparagus evenly
  5. Let cook for 7 minutes

Serves 4

Nutritional Facts:
Plate icon

Calories 25
Total Fat 0g
Cholesterol 1mg
Sodium 5mg

Carbohydrates 4g
Fiber 2g
Sugar 2g
Protein 2g

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