
Overnight Eggnog Oatmeal

Eggnog can be a delicious treat this time of the year.  Why not try adding it to your morning oatmeal for a little holiday in an otherwise ordinary breakfast!  If dairy is not your thing, no problem.  We even used Califia Farms Holiday Nog, which is a non-dairy version.  We also bumped up the protein by adding in a little protein and some walnuts.  Those are also ingredients you can adjust to your preference, such as using pecans instead of walnuts. You can also try stirring in some yogurt for extra protein and probiotics.  It’s a versatile and easy way to get your day off to a great start!

What You Need


  • ½ cup Signature Kitchen Old Fashioned Oats

  • ½ scoop plain protein powder, such as Vitality Protein

  • 1 tsp. Chia seeds

  • ¾ cup eggnog or Califia Farms Holiday Nog

  • Sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg

  • 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts

  • Optional: yogurt of choice

 How It’s Made:

  1. In a small jar, combine everything except nuts. Cover with lid and place in refrigerator overnight. 
  2. When ready to eat, top with walnuts and yogurt, if desired.

Serves 1

Calories 478

Protein 25g

Carbohydrates 71g

Sugar 11

Fiber 12g

Cholesterol 0mg

Sodium 176mg

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