National Diabetes Month
It’s National Diabetes Month and did you know there are so many things in your risk factor profile that you can control to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes? It’s not a one size fits all question as each case is unique but we do see some general patterns
Did you know that sugar intake alone doesn’t cause diabetes?
You can definitely manage your risk with building a healthy lifestyle. Now, that looks very different for every person but the main things we try and focus on are maintaining a healthy weight and creating strong physical activity patterns. By doing those two things alone you are helping to prevent things like high blood pressure, low HDL, and high triglycerides which can lead to prediabetes. There are other lifestyle factors that go into this but just starting off with the two basics can help set you on the right path toward prevention.
Did you know that diet and exercise are necessary to keep blood sugar under control?
To hit a little deeper on our last point your body needs sugar, aka carbohydrates, to perform normal body functions like brain function, breathing, blinking, organs pumping blood, etc. So a steady intake of carbohydrate during meals and snacks, during the whole day, is the goal. If you’ve ever “cut out carbs” you might have noticed a bit of irritability, brain fog, or lack of general focus. Let’s not demonize a macronutrient when the conversation needs to be more about the quality of overall choices and lifestyle. The second point here is that exercise helps with insulin sensitivity. As a base function, insulin helps drive sugar into the cells to use as energy primarily after you eat. When exercising, your muscles contract and are able to uptake glucose (aka sugar) without insulin being available. Pretty cool hu?! Start by thinking through your day and what it would look like if you could change one thing towards a healthier alternative.
Did you know that in 2018 about 34.2 million people in the US live with diabetes?
This includes both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics. While type 1 is diagnosed pretty early in life due to it being genetically passed along, type 2 is more-so in your control. However, there are some instances where diabetes can happen with people who have no apparent risk factors. An even more staggering statistic is that of the 34.2 million people, 7.3 million were undiagnosed? Knowing and understanding your risk is key to increasing the quality and quantity of your life. Know your numbers by taking control of your health today!
Want more info? Www.diabetes.org has amazing resources from how to exercise, cook healthier meals, or just get educated. Have general questions? Drop us a comment or email!