
Living a Heart Healthy Lifestyle

Much like there is no one-size-fits-all diet, there is not a one-size-fits-all way to create a lifestyle. We all lead unique lives that require a different subset of skills and traits. So in an effort to help you create a heart healthy lifestyle here are a few well-researched topics that we know can deliver the goods.


Flex Your Stomach Muscle

  • Focus on including lots of plants into the diet
  • Enjoy all foods in moderation
  • Limit saturated fat, sodium, alcohol, and calorically  dense foods


Create a Routine That Works for Your Lifestyle

  • 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous cardio exercise each week
  • Weight training
  • Meditation/stretching


Aim for 7-9 hours each night

  • Turning off screens 1 hour prior to bed
  • Have a satiating meal 2 hours prior to bed
  • Create a nighttime routine to start winding down


How well do you handle it?

  • How do you step back from a stressful situation and deal with it?
  • What outlets do you have to communicate stress in your life?
  • How are you connecting with family, friends and the world?

This is by no means a full comprehensive list, but rather a great starting point. When we examine the research for how to lead a healthy lifestyle these points come through time and time again. What is the one thing you want to step towards creating a more heart healthy lifestyle?

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