Jazz Up Your Lunch box Water
With lunch we typically talk about all of the food components but we can’t forget about the fluid! Let’s face it, by this point in the day you’ve probably had quite a bit of coffee to keep mentally sharp for the morning meetings so it’s time to kick it into high gear with the water! Staying hydrated (and well fed) in this way can also keep you mentally sharp for the latter half of the day as well. So, let’s talk about a few ways to spice up your plain water to give your lunchbox a fun edge.
Some of our favorites are:
- we love the price point of this signature item! Not only that, but their flavors are on point. Some of our favorites are Raspberry Lime, Grapefruit, and Peach.
- Based in Texas this brand hits a home run when it comes to natural lemon and lime flavors. Since the water has a heavy limestone presence it’s sure to refresh your palate.
- Another Texas company shines bright in this category for us. We can’t get enough of their traditional flavors but recently it’s been the blueberry and grape that have us buying more!
A few of our other favorite brands on the shelf are La Croix, AHA, and Poppi. But let’s say that unsweetened sparkling water isn’t’ your thing. You can sweeten up your flat water with sliced fresh fruit, or even some non-nutritive sweeteners like stevia, crystal lite packets, or Mios.