
How-To Halloween!

The spookiest season of them all is in full effect, Happy (early) Halloween! We know that candy has taken up a good amount of space in your head with having to decide what candy to buy for your household, or what type to have at your costume party. As we all know, candy is a huge part of what makes Halloween so special, I mean who doesn’t love a good chocolate bar or some gummy worms after a long night of trick-or-treating and making spooktacular memories! As fun as the season is, worry still overcomes us about our young ones. We fear over how much candy they’re eating or if we should opt-out of having candy in the house at all, so let’s talk about a few things.

Don’t be the Candy Police!

It’s not fun for anybody when someone starts to monitor how much of the candy bucket has already been eaten. We don’t want our kids to hide their candy underneath their pillow because they don’t feel comfortable eating them in front of us. Rather than monitoring, try encouraging exploration of different candies especially for the younger kids, while being cognizant of potential choking hazards. This can really open their minds and possibly even inspire them to try different foods outside the realm of candy. 

The 80/20 Rule

Don’t completely forbid candy or other treats from your home, rather try the 80/20 rule. Eighty percent of the time strive for nutritious meals and snacks and twenty percent of the time you can allow yourself or your young one to enjoy treats. This holiday is the perfect opportunity to teach your kids about moderation, and to really enjoy treats. An example for the 80/20 rule: if your child wants some candy from their Halloween bucket for a snack try portioning out the candy with nutritious alternatives like fruit, pretzels, or granola bars. Also, on Halloween day, don’t skip dinner, this will help prevent overloading on candy that night. 

Leftover Candy

To give yourself some peace of mind, try some of these tricks that will allow your kid to enjoy the spooky night while also keeping their well-being in mind. When searching for a Halloween basket, look for one on a smaller scale, so when it fills up, your child will feel accomplished, and you’ll have to walk back to the house, yay extra steps! If they ask to go out again, not only is that more steps but another chance for them to feel accomplished and it’s still a smaller portion than the larger, as well as you having the ability to set limits. Remember, it’s one night of the year! With the pieces that are leftover mix them with whole grain cereal, nuts, and a few pretzels to create a home-made trail mix. This will help you follow the 80/20 rule. 

Have Fun!


Enjoy the festivities and even a few pieces of candy. Make beautiful lifelong memories with your loved ones. Enjoy the pure happiness of letting go just a little every now and then. Appreciate the special treats and everything else that Halloween has to offer.