Holiday Snacking
With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season you might find yourself hungrier or simply snacking more. This is the perfect time to look at if you’re truly hungry or stress/boredom/mindlessly eating. If you’re finding that you are doing the latter half of that last statement this is the perfect time to reflect and ask yourself what is the deeper meaning of why you’re eating. If you are truly hungry let’s make the most out of that snack time.
If you know you’re coming up on eating in about an hour try these 100 calorie snacks to help get you through:
- ½ c. cottage cheese + ¼ c. fruit
- 14 almonds
- ⅓ c. edamame
- ¾ c. frozen mango
- 10 baby carrots and 2 Tbsp. hummus
If you’re about 2 hours out until your next meal try these 200 calorie snacks:
- 28 almonds
- 2 Tbsp. peanut butter
- 1 small apple + 1 Tbsp. peanut butter
- 1 small pear + String Cheese
- Quest Apple Pie Protein Bar
If you’re on the go and 3 hours out from your next meal try these 300 calorie snacks:
- 1 medium apple + 2 Tbsp. nut butter
- 1 greek yogurt + 1 Tbsp. nut butter + ½ c. fruit
- 3 hard boiled eggs + 1 slice whole wheat bread
…a good point to be made here as well would be that your last meal might not be enough food to keep you satiated until your next meal so try upping the calories here!