Goal Setting For The New Year
Most of us start the new year with new resolutions to better our life. Making New Year’s resolutions is not a new concept but can become part of the celebration if you frame it up right. Some resolutions are realistic and achievable, while others are impractical and hard to achieve. Let’s talk about that thought!
We see people year after year making New Year’s resolutions when most of the time they do not keep them. Making a New Year’s resolution can provide benefits, even when people do not achieve them. It helps examine and evaluate past patterns and plan for a better future outcome. It also helps people look into the new year with a positive attitude and imagine how it might look. So, the question goes back to, how can we keep and achieve our resolutions this year? Before you decide on your new resolution this year, ask yourself these 3 questions:
- Where would I like to be next year in my personal and professional life?
- Do I have what is needed to get there?
- If not, can I do something to prepare myself to get there?
Knowing our goals and current skills can help us set realistic and achievable goals.
Tips for picking the “right” resolution:
-Set SMART resolutions: Specific, Measurable, Attainable and achievable, Relevant to your goals and needs, and Time-based
-Reflect on your current skills, health, and knowledge when planning your resolutions.
-Have mini-goals that lead to the ultimate goal.
-Share your resolution with your loved ones for accountability.
-And be realistic with your resolutions. Resolutions do not need to be big.
New Year’s resolutions are important because they help you set a goal to be better, healthier, and happier. Let’s have SMART resolutions this year, and achieve them too!