Giving Tuesday
There is no shortage of companies who give back that you can find on our shelves. Here are some of the new ones we’ve discovered this year.
For every cup of hot cereal that you purchase, The Soulfull Project donates a cup to a food bank in your region.
Lotus Food supplies organic, fair trade and heirloom rice, and is dedicated to supporting their producers and promoting sustainability. Their fair trade practices pay their farmers 30-40% above retail prices
Yearly charitable giving as well as thousands of hours clocked for volunteering.
They’ve funded 20,000 tree plantings in rural communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America and have retrieved and recycled over 500,000 of their bottles.
Silk works with various companies such as, Change the Course Colorado River Restoration Project and Conservation International, both of which work to conserve natural resources to give back.
Everytime you make a purchase, a powerful pack of peanut paste is made and delivered to a malnourished child 3 times a day for 8 weeks.
From their Maternal Health Project which helps to fund pre and post natal care, Education where they build schools and donate desks, to donation of eyeglasses they really are finding new and inventive ways to give back.
Looking for more ideas? Check out the other brands we wrote about last year that are still continuing on with their efforts.