Fun Apple Facts
Posted Aug 21, 2021
in Food + Nutrition
Apples are in full-season right now so let’s talk through some fun facts about this popular fruit.
- Apple trees take 4-5 years to produce their first fruit.
- It took over 30 years to develop the Honeycrisp apple.
- Apples ripen faster on the counter than in the refrigerator.
- There are more than 2,500 varieties of apples grown in the United States.
- There are over 7,500 varieties of apples grown worldwide.
- Did you know that 25% of an apple’s volume is air? That’s what makes them float.
- Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman) was indeed a real person!
- European pilgrims brought apples to Boston, Virginia, and the Southwest.
- The Granny Smith apple was cultivated by a granny back in the 1800s in Australia. Her name was Mary Ann Smith.
- The Red Delicious apple tree was discovered in Iowa.
- Scientists that study and cultivate apples are called pomologists.
- Depending on the type of apple, it takes the photosynthetic energy from 10-50 leaves to produce one apple.
- Apples are from the rose family and are closely related to peaches and almonds.
- A bushel of apples weighs about 42 pounds.
- The fear of apples is known as Malusdomesticaphobia.
- To help prevent fresh apples from turning brown is to add a few squeezes of lemon juice or lime juice. This is to help prevent a process called oxidation.
- Apples can help ripen other fruit with the ethylene gas they omit.
- The heaviest apple ever recorded weighed four pounds.
- Apple trees can live to be about 100 years old.
- Apples are high in fiber, vitamin C, and various antioxidants.