Freaky Friday: Pumpkin Spice for Allergy Life
Having an allergy or intolerance to a food shouldn’t stop you from indulging in the fun of the fall season. So we’ve created a delicious recipe to pumpkin spice up your life!
1 ½ c. oat milk
½ tbsp. cocoa powder
1 heaping Tbsp. pumpkin puree
2 tsp. maple syrup
dash cinnamon
dash nutmeg
dash cloves
non-dairy whipped topping
- Heat oat milk in microwave for 2 minutes
- Stir in rest of ingredients
- Top with non-dairy whipped topping and garnish with cinnamon
Serves 1

Nutrition: Calories 170, Protein 4g, Cholesterol 0mg, Carbohydrates 38g, Fiber 4g, Sugar 13g, Fat 2g, Sodium 182mg
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