
Festive Kale Salad with Kohlrabi Stars

Spruce up your holiday festivities by starting with a fresh patriotic salad. This superfood salad is sure to charge up those brain cells!

What You Need

1 medium Bunch Kale

1 c. Blueberries

½ c. strawberries

1 bunch baby Kohlrabi

½ c. Walnuts

4 Tbsp. Tessemaes Honey Poppyseed Dressing

 How It’s Made:

  1. Chop kale in small pieces and toss with dressing
  2. Slice strawberries in ¼ inch thickness
  3. Cut kohlrabi in ¼ inch pieces and cut in star shape with a cookie cutter
  4. Chop walnuts in small pieces

Serves 4

Nutritional Facts:
Plate icon

Calories 242
Total Fat 17g
Protein 6.5g

Sodium 98mg
Fiber 6g
Carbohydrates 20g

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