
Festive Flag Toast

Start your day off right with a festive, fiber filled breakfast sure to be on the annual menu!

What You Need

  • 1 slice Sprouted Bread
  • 2 Tbsp. Greek yogurt
  • 9 Blueberries
  • ⅛ Banana
  • 1 Strawberry

 How It’s Made:

  1. Toast bread
  2. Once bread is cool, top with greek yogurt
  3. To make design, start with placing blueberries in the upper left hand corner
  4. Slice banana and strawberries in thin slices and then in half to make stripes. Layer them half way on each other

Serves 1

Nutritional Facts:
Plate icon

Calories 185
Total Fat 1g
Protein 10g

Sodium 98mg
Fiber 6g
Sugars 17g

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