Cruising the Aisles To Mexico
Posted May 22, 2020
in Food + Nutrition
While traveling the world might not be at the top of your to-do list right now that shouldn’t stop you from tasting the flavors of these places. So this week let’s head to Mexico, shall we? We have some amazing products on our shelves to get your taste buds coming alive. So let’s talk about the differences between what our current recommendations are versus theirs.
Where the US gives half our plate to fruits and vegetables Mexico gives a third. Thus leaving a third to protein and a third to grain/legumes/cereal. They also do not incorporate dairy. Those are the two main differences and yet so much remains the same like:
- Take time to enjoy eating your meal
- Limit foods that have a high sodium content
- Limit added sugars and overall sweets consumption
- Drink plenty of water
- Be physically active
Products we carry to help you explore this area of the world:
- Canned green chiles
- Fire roasted canned tomatoes
- Chipotles in adobo
- Jarred Mole Sauce
- Salsa Verde