
Blueberry Steel Cut Oatmeal

A bountiful bowl of oats in the summer to keep you fueled is always a hit during long summer days. Add some fresh blueberries on top for more fiber and the freshness of summer.

What You Need

  • 1 cup Steel cut oatmeal
  • 3 cups. Mooala banana milk
  • 2 medium Bananas
  • 1 c. Blueberries
  • ½ c. Slivered Almonds

 How It’s Made:

  1. Boil banana milk
  2. Place oatmeal in milk and let cook for 30-45 minutes for desired thickness
  3. Serve with almonds, sliced bananas and blueberries

Serves 6

Nutritional Facts:
Plate icon

Calories 252
Total Fat 9g
Protein 9g

Sodium 8mg
Fiber 7g
Sugars 10g

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