
Back To School Breakfast With The Lifestyle Tags

Getting the family, let alone yourself out the door in one piece is a hefty load to lift. Seeing as breakfast is one of the three main meals of the day, and arguably the most important, since it breaks your overnight fast and jumpstarts the metabolism, getting a nutritious breakfast is key for success. 


Allergy Friendly

  • Protein: “just eggs”
  • Vegetable: spinach
  • Fruit: strawberries
  • Dairy-Alternative: oat milk
  • Grain: oatmeal



  • Protein: hard-boiled egg
  • Vegetable: cucumber
  • Fruit: strawberries and blueberries
  • Dairy: greek yogurt
  • Grain: low-sugar granola


Diabetes Lifestyle

  • Protein: eggs
  • Vegetable: bell peppers
  • Fruit: blueberries
  • Dairy: low-fat milk
  • Grain: wheat bran cereal


No Sugar Added

  • Protein: natural almond butter
  • Vegetable: sweet potato
  • Fruit: apple with cinnamon
  • Dairy: almond milk
  • Grain: oatmeal