Back To School Lunch Must Haves
Posted Aug 11, 2020
in Food + Nutrition
It’s about that time again and this school year is looking very different and of course has some unique challenges up its sleeve. So in efforts to help start your day and school year off on the right foot we’ve compiled a few of our lunch must-haves!
- Splitz
- If you’re looking for another versatile car friendly staple these are a true treat while it combines a good quick dose of proteins, fats, and carbs for lasting energy
- Hard Boiled Eggs
- Perfect for any time of day be it a car breakfast, snack, lunch protein or cut on a cobb salad with dinner these are guaranteed to be a staple going into the school year.
- Prepackaged carrots
- Or any vegetable really. On our shelves you can find these in packs of 4 or you can cut and prep your own and put in plastic bags
- Individual cheese sticks
- 3 servings of dairy a day to build strong bones and teeth is vital. Not only is cheese a good source of calcium and vitamin D but it’s a familiar favorite amongst kids and adults alike.
- Individual fruit cups
- Thinking about food in different ways can be key to helping a picky eater. For example if they don’t like a whole apple try cutting it up, in a fruit cup or nuked in the microwave for a few minutes with some cinnamon. There are different ways to prepare all fruits and the cup method is a simple method to try. Make sure to purchase ones that say no sugar added or packed in 100% juice.