Take Five: A Conversation on Hydration
Water is everything, y’all. It keeps your skin clear, your weight managed, and your body hydrated. But how does that work, exactly? We sat down with our team of registered dietitians to get a few of our most burning questions about good ol’ H2O answered so we can stay happy and hydrated all summer long.
Do people need to drink more water during the summer months?
Absolutely. Staying hydrated while out in the hot summer sun is key when spending time outdoors. Did you know there are over 26 million sweat glands throughout the body? During hot temperatures, these glands release sweat (or water) to help cool you off and dehydration can occur with as little as a 2% change in body water composition. In short—you should plan on drinking 8-10 glasses a day minimum.
What does hydration do to my body?
Maintaining hydration helps regulate body temperature, metabolism and much more.
Should I only drink water when I’m thirsty?
It’s important to drink water before you start to feel thirsty. When you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated!
Are there any hydrating foods?
Water is the first choice for hydrating, but foods like oranges, leafy greens, and watermelon are full of fluids.
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