
Heart Egg in a Hole

Kicking off your day with breakfast is a great way to start the day, especially when it comes to hearting your heart. Speaking of hearts, did you know that eggs can play a role in helping your heart? In a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, they found that eating at least 12 eggs a week for three months did not increase cardiovascular risk factors for people with prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes. So while this is just one study and one population, there is a “sunny side up” to what we used to know as facts.

What You Need

1 piece Sprouted Dave’s Killer Bread

½ Tbsp. Butter

1 Egg

 How It’s Made:

  1. Butter bread on both sides
  2. Use a heart-shaped cookie cutter or a pair of scissors to cut a heat
  3. In a small bowl crack and whisk egg
  4. In a skillet over a medium heat, place bread down for 20 seconds and then press it down on the pan gently, but firmly for 10 seconds
  5. Fill the heart hole with egg (should be about half of the egg)
  6. Gently, flip it to the opposite side once it starts solidifying for an additional minute

Serves 1

Nutritional Facts:
Plate icon

Calories 197
Total Fat 11g
Cholesterol 108g
Sodium 196mg

Carbohydrates 17g
Fiber 4g
Sugar 3g
Protein 9g

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