National Potato Day
Potatoes are a powerhouse of a food to add to the diet. Unfortunately they get a bad wrap sometimes but we’re here to tell you they shouldn’t. When consumed in a true portion size amongst many other fruits and vegetables they offer some unique benefits. They contain essential nutrients like folate, iron, vitamin B6, and zinc. They also contain other B and C vitamins that boost the immune system greatly. Fun fact, 1 potato contains 45% of your recommended vitamin C total. On average a medium potato with the skins left on are 110 calories, 26g of carbohydrates, 3g of protein, and 620mg potassium.
So to peel or not to peel? Potato skins are loaded with antioxidants and other beneficial vitamins and minerals. The added bonus of keeping the skins on would be there is less prep time overall to your recipe which is even better. Another point to note is that while sweet potatoes get a health halo versus the white potatoes it’s important to know that they each offer something unique and different. So incorporating a variety is key!
Grab some other recipes here: